Have I injured myself or my children, for instance by intemperance? |
How often?
Have I endangered or injured the life of my child before its birth by immoderate anxiety, worry, over-exertion, consumption of drugs and alcohol, or utilizing medical treatment that could cause a miscarriage? |
How often?
Have I hated any of my children; cursed them; given them scandal by cursing, drinking, drug abuse, living openly in fornication, adultery or bigamy etc.? |
How often?
Have I allowed them to grow up in ignorance, idleness, or sin? |
For how long?
Have I showed habitual partiality, without cause? |
How often?
Have I been negligent to procure that my children should be speedily baptized or that they should be timely instructed in their prayers and the Catholic Doctrine? |
How often?
Have I failed in giving them early instruction in the fear and love of God? |
How often?
Have I neglected to watch over their bodily health or provide for their necessities? |
How often?
Though separated from my spouse, have I failed to provide child support? |
For how long a time?
Have I refused or failed to remove from them bad companions, books, movies, music and other occasions of sin or allowed them to develop any habits dangerous to chastity, faith or morals? |
How often?
Have I flattered them in their passions, or indulged them in their evil inclinations? |
How often?
Have I taught them sinful vices or concealed and shielded their wrong doings? |
How often?
Have I failed to prudently correct or charitably punish them when needful for their own good? |
How often?
Have I been harsh or cruel in correction? |
How often?
Have hit or physically abused my children? |
How often?
Have I verbally abused my chilren? |
How often?
Have I neglected other people's children that were entrusted to my care? |
How often?
Have I let boys and girls sleep together or in the same room as me and my spouse? |
How often?
Have I sent any of my children to Protestant or other dangerous schools to their faith? |
For how long and how many of my children?
Have I forced my children into marriage or religious life against their will, or opposed their choice obstinately and without good reason? |
For Husbands and Wives:
Have I treated my spouse poorly or put obstacles to the fulfillment of their religious duties? |
How often?
Have I struck or beaten my spouse? |
How often?
Have I lacked gentleness and consideration in regard to each other's faults? |
How often?
Have I been guilty of unreasonable jealousy? |
How often?
Have I neglected my household duties? |
How often?
Have I been guilty of sulkiness or said injurious words? |
How often?
For Employers:
Have I not allowed domestics/ employees reasonable time for religious duties and instruction? |
How often?
Have I given bad example to them, or allowing others to do so? |
How often?
Have I withholding their lawful wages? |
Amount and how often?
Have I failed to care for them in sickness? |
How often?
Have I dismissed them arbitrarily and without cause? |
How many and how often?
For the Employed:
Have I been disrespectful to my employer? |
How often?
Have I been disobedient in matters wherein one has bound one's self to obey? |
How often?
Have I wasted time and neglected my work? |
How often?
Have I been an unjust steward of my employer's property, by dishonesty, carelessness, or neglect? |
Amount of damages monetarily?
For Professional Men and Public Officials:
Have I been culpably lacking in the knowledge related to the duties of my office or profession? |
How long has this been?
Have I been negligent in the discharge of my duties, unjust or showed partiality? |
How often?
Have I charged exorbitant fees (undue amount)? |
Amount and how often?
For Teachers:
Have I neglected the progress of those confided to my care? |
How often?
Have I been unjust, indiscreet, or excessively punished? |
How often?
Have I been guilty of partiality, bad example, loose and false maxims? |
How often?
For Pupils:
Have I been disrespectful, disobedient, stubborn, idle, or wasted time? |
How often?